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Flowers and Apologies

I dont think this is going to be in the main story anymore, at least not exactly as written. But I still like it


Harry held Benji close to his chest as he pet him, the black cat purring loudly, putting him at ease.

There was no short way on saying how much he fucked up, Charlie was being a homophobic dickhead, and Roy had every right to say he was, whether Charlie meant it or not he was still wrong.

He didn't deserve to be shouted at…

He'd go to his office tomorrow and apologise.

He was such a-

Suddenly there was a loud buzz through the apartment, Harry pressed the response button with his elbow, still snuggling the now sleeping cat.

"Hullo, it's Harry."

A familiar voice came through the crackly speaker.

"Harry! It's uh… Roy", his voice was muffled, and the wind blowing didn't help.

But still, it made Harry feel a little at ease, even after that day's events. "Look I know you probably don't want to see me right now, but I uh… have something for you anyways." Crinkling plastic was heard through the mic, "so, can I at least leave it at the door?".

Harry sighed, smiling

"No, no. Come on up. I'll unlock the door"

"Thank you!"

Soon enough, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" He shouted, from the living room, Benji still in his arms. Moving a cat when it's sleeping is illegal.

He heard the door open and close, and some shuffling in the entrance, before the Stationmaster walked in. He had clearly come from work, hair still perfectly gelled back, but most importantly was that he still had his uniform on (bar the hat of course)

"Uh, Hullo"


Benji perked up at Roy's voice, and ran off over to him, and Harry followed.

He was holding something behind his back.

"Look, I'm sorry. I jumped to conclusions-"

"No." Harry cut him off, "You were right, he was being a dick"

"I was too."

"We both were…"

Benji was rubbing around Roy's legs and purring, Harry smirked

"Pick him up you monster", he said light heartedly.

Roy laughed, "Well I'll have to give you these then."

Behind his back emerged a bouquet of flowers, some lavender, and yellow tulips, but the majority were sunflowers.

Harry's favourite.

"I practically ran to the florist to pick some up after work. My dad always said that if you need to apologise to do it with flowers"

"Thank you" Harry said softly, holding them gently, no one had ever gotten him flowers before.

Benji was now purring loudly in Roy's arms, Harry giggled, for someone who didn't grow up around animals, Roy sure was good with them.

"Would… you be up for staying over?"

"Not sure if I have a choice"

The loud meow from Benji was enough of a answer to that.